martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

News from Ford (Ford Foundation Commits $85 Million to Advance Rural Land Rights and Reduce Climate Change)

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010



NEW YORK — The Ford Foundation today announced a five-year, $85 million initiative that will make rural and indigenous people a stronger part of the world's response to climate change, saying that engaging these populations is essential to reducing poverty and building long-term climate solutions.

Focused on six key regions, the initiative will empower rural communities whose livelihoods depend on natural resources to play a more active role in the stewardship of those resources. The foundation will also work with the global organizations, multilateral funders and governments that are set to invest billions of dollars over the coming years in climate change programs that will affect these communities.

"This work heralds a new way of thinking about natural resources and sustainable development. It unlocks the potential for people, especially rural and indigenous communities, to be a part of the solution," said Luis Ubiñas, president of the Ford Foundation. "As sustainable development programs are ramped up globally, we have the responsibility of ensuring that the people who have historically lived in and preserved forests and natural resources are included in the global dialogue about the future of their lands."

Foundation officials noted that with some 30 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions coming from the rural sector, the work of engaging rural and indigenous people in sustainable solutions has tremendous implications for efforts to reduce climate change. The foundation's grants will seek to ensure that global programs to address climate change respect the needs of the rural poor and harness the potential of these populations to design and participate in solutions.

The work represents an alternative to traditional approaches to managing forests, dry lands and other vast tracts of land and resources, which are often based on one of two myths: that such areas are pristine wilderness devoid of people, or that they are wastelands that need to be diverted to industrial uses. With more than 1 billion people in developing countries living in rural areas with fragile ecosystems, Ford intends to highlight the urgent promise of a more innovative approach that focuses on the role of natural assets in generating economic opportunity and empowers rural and indigenous people to continue to act as sustainable stewards of these lands and managers of their own livelihoods.

"We believe that incorporating the voices of the people who live on these lands will bring three positive outcomes: strengthening communities and boosting local economic activity while advancing the health and sustainability of the environment. There is the potential for triple-bottom-line impact from this approach," Ubiñas said.

This new effort builds on decades of Ford support for projects focused on community-based natural resource management, such as community forestry, that gives communities whose livelihoods depend on forests a chance to generate income from those forests in creative and sustainable ways. It will also help ensure that broader public investment in and management of natural resources to achieve food security and reduce climate change are implemented in a way that is both sustainable and beneficial to rural and indigenous populations.

Working with NGOs, governments, other funders and rural communities themselves, Ford's grants will help:

  • Develop the advocacy skills of rural leaders so they have a stronger voice in how natural resources are managed
  • Demonstrate successful models of community management of resources and ensure that the lessons of this work are informing national and global policy
  • Promote public investment that benefits rural communities and acknowledges their role as stewards of valuable natural assets
  • Ensure that global climate change programs account for and address the needs of indigenous communities and the rural poor
  • Strengthen institutions and networks that advance this approach

Ford's grant making is focused on low-income populations situated in forests, grasslands, marginal agricultural land and other rural regions in six areas where the foundation maintains a regional office: Brazil, Indonesia, China, Eastern Africa, Mexico and Central America, and India. Rural communities in these areas depend on the natural resources around them for their basic livelihoods, yet most have limited rights to access and utilize them, or suffer from poor levels of public investment to augment returns from their use of these resources.

"We believe that the work we are supporting demonstrates a critical new paradigm: What's good for rural and indigenous communities is also good for the economy, the environment, and the world," said David Kaimowitz, the foundation's director of Sustainable Development. "We want to ensure that the lessons and promise of that work are understood and utilized by global policymakers, governments and other leaders."

This work is integral to Ford's contributions to poverty reduction, which includes strengthening the livelihoods of the rural poor and promoting economic security through social policies that promote financial inclusion and reduced vulnerability to shocks.

"All of our work on poverty reduction shows that building assets—not just income—is critical to helping families achieve long-term economic security," said Pablo Farías, vice president of Ford's Economic Opportunity and Assets program. "For many rural families, natural resources represent the only asset base available. By innovating the way we manage these resources, we can offer a path out of poverty for millions of people."

miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

350 apoya con 1000 dolares para tu evento

miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010


Nota: información fue tomada de un correo electrónico enviado por parte de los coordinadores de la campaña

En todo el mundo, hay grupos de personas como ustedes reuniéndose, planificando, y llevando adelante un movimiento mundial frente el cambio climático.  En Auckland, Nueva Zelandia, están planificando un taller para arreglar cada bicicleta en la ciudad en 10/10/10, en Kenya, están planificando un taller en toda la ciudad para reducir el uso de energía en las casas, y en Bolivia están planificando la instalación de cocinas solares en areas rurales.

No estamos solos en la acción - aquí en México, la campañimagea  de 350 no es una excepción.            Tenemos muchas     noticias      para compartir con ustedes, todo para fortalecer un movimiento fuerte y impactante en el Día de Soluciones Climáticas del 10/10/10.  Si no has registrado todavía tu evento, por favor, hazlo hoy aquí:
Y ahora, nuestras noticias:

Nuevo sitio web para 350 México
Tenemos un Nuevo sitio web dedicado a la campaña de 350 en México!  Por favor, visítalo, explóralo, y déjanos saber que opinas:

Campaña 10:10
10:10 es una campaña que empezó en Inglaterra en 2009 para ayudar y unir un movimiento de ciudadanos, escuelas, organizaciones, gobiernos y empresas para cumplir con la meta ambiciosa de reducir sus emisiones 10% en 2010.  Como México estamos liderando la campaña 10:10 a nivel nacional para apoyar a la gente que quieren sumarse a esta meta, y para coordinar proyectos de sostenibilidad en todo México para el Día de Soluciones Climáticas, el 10/10/10.
Par más información sobre 10:10, visita:

Taller de Liderazgo Júvenil, 2-5 de septiembre - aplicar ¡hoy!
Estamos emocionados anunciando que México esta organizando un taller sobre  liderazgo frente el cambio climático para jóvenes mexicanos, el cual se llevará a cabo del 2 al 5 de septiembre de 2010 en el DF.  El taller convocará a 40 líderes juveniles de todo México para 3 días intensivos de capacitación y participación.

¿Estás un líder juvenil  apasionado sobre el cambio climático? ¿Estas interesado en aprender nuevas ideas en el activismo y compartir tus experiencias? Aplica hoy para unirte a un fin de semana increíble de aprendizaje, networking, y de crear grandes planes para el futuro:

Minifondos para 10/10/10
Tenemos algo emocionante para anunciar! Tenemos un convenio con Global Green Grants, y estaremos dando un mini-fondo de $1000 dólares al evento mejor planeado de América Latina y el Caribe.  La convocatoria ya está abierta. Todos pueden sumar una aplicación y votar para elegir al mejor proyecto.  El proyecto con la mayor cantidad de votaciones ganará.
Fecha límite para aplicar: 7 de agosto, 2010
Votación empezará el 9 de agosto y terminara el 30 de agosto
Visita para registrar y obtener más información.

Gracias por leer hasta aquí, y por ayudar a construir este movimiento mundial frente el cambio climático.
¡Manos a la obra!

El equipo de en México

El objetivo de es difundir el número más importante del planeta mediante la creación de un movimiento internacional sobre el cambio climático creado por ciudadanos unidos por un llamamiento común a la acción. es un proyecto independiente y sin fines de lucro.

Estas registrado como Si deseas eliminar tu suscripción, haz click aquí.

Haz click aquí para registrarte

Únete a este movimiento en Facebook.

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

ecovilles around the world

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Finca Las Brisas - Sustainable Community in Costa Rica
Awaken to the sounds of waterfalls, wildlife & views of the Pacific. Simplify. Lead a sustainable, low impact life in harmony w/ nature & local culture. 150 acres - miles of trails, renewable energy, fruit & vegetable farm. Shared community center

Villages Going Carbon Neutral

Ashton Hayes
The Cheshire village of Ashton Hayes (pop. 1000 approx.) is aiming to become the first small community in England to achieve carbon neutral status.

Mount Alexander
Working towards a thriving, creative and resilient community based on energy efficient systems and abundant renewable resources. Their initial focus is on reducing our carbon emissions through improving energy efficiency and increasing the supply of renewable energy.

Eco Villages                              Consultancy, Support and Education



Ionia is a small scale multi-generational village environment located on 100 acres of spruce forest on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. Ionia is a guide and model for fundamental and sustainable change in our approach to mental health, well-being, agriculture, family, community, and environmental awareness.


Using co housing and ecological principles, the members of Milagro are committed to providing a people and earth-friendly neighborhood. The group has purchased a 43-acre undisturbed desert site located in the Tucson mountains - just twelve minutes west of downtown Tucson, Arizona.

Manzanita Village
Manzanita Village is a resident-developed, cooperative neighborhood, modeled after the Co housing communities of Denmark.  Residents take an active part in planning and designing our village.  We are united by mutual desires to know our neighbors, live an environmentally friendly lifestyle and enjoy a safe, friendly atmosphere for ourselves and our families.


Los Angeles Eco-Village
Eco-Villagers demonstrate the processes for creating a healthy neighborhood ecologically, socially, and economically. We try to reduce our environmental impacts while raising the quality of neighborhood life. We are a public demonstration of sustainable community development sharing our processes, strategies and techniques with others through tours, talks, workshops, conferences, public advocacy and the media.

Tierra Nueva CoHousing
Tierra - Nueva CoHousing is a 27 unit complex consisting of passive solar homes, clustered on five acres in Oceano, adjacent to Halcyon. Our project was finished February, 1999 and includes a shared Common House, gardens and organic avocado orchard. We are a community that operates on consensus.

San Mateo Cooperative
San Francisco Bay
Intentional community/urban retrofit co-housing/mini-ecovillage.


EarthArt Village
The scope envisioned for EarthArt Village is that of a small scale homesteading project that embodies the principles and demonstrates the practices of sustainable "village" life to the benefit of its members and to others locally, bioregionally and beyond. 480 acres, located in the Northeast San Luis Valley. IN FORMATIVE STAGES.

Hearthstone Cohousing
This co housing project utilizes a very successful architectural model, with houses designed and built near the street with front porches and use of the interior area for common facilities. This project has been E-Star rated and is Green Built Certified by the HBA.


(Beginning stage)
A group of people who are converting from nursery business into an ecofarm.


East Lake Commons
We aim for a continually evolving high quality of life for each resident, high quality of interaction with one another, and ecologically responsible, harmonious relation with our natural environment.


Cypress Villages
Cypress Villages is an innovative sustainable development with a focus on green homes, permaculture landscaping and community.


"In 1978 former members of the Findhorn Community in Scotland set out to start a new community in the U.S. - a "Center of Light" - a community of spiritual renewal grounded in ecological living."


Sunward Cohousing
We are a group of people dedicated to creating a place where resources are shared, lives are simplified, the Earth is respected, diversity is welcomed, children play together in safety, and living in community with neighbors comes naturally.


Dancing Rabbit
While Dancing Rabbit is still a small community in the pioneering stage, we call ourselves an ecovillage because our vision is of something much more than what we currently are. We intend to grow to be a small locally self-reliant town of 500 to 1000 residents, committed to radical environmental sustainability. We will be housed in a variety of living arrangements, eat a variety of foods, and work on varied projects. It will be a society flexible enough to include egalitarian communities, co housing, and individual households.

EastWind Community
East Wind is a community, owned, operated and governed by its members. All income and expenses are shared in common. We are located on 1045 acres of land in the beautiful Ozark mountains of southern Missouri. Our bylaws commit us to creating an ecologically sound lifestyle. Sharing resources, and living and working in the same place means trash and compost our human waste. Some of our heating needs are met with wood and solar energy, but most of the energy we now use comes from conventional sources.

Sandhill Farm
A small, closely-knit, supportive family of friends who work and play together, Sandhill Farm was started in 1974. We highly value growing most of our own food through organic and biodynamic methods, and have developed a spiritual connection with the land and each other.

New Mexico

Pinon EcoVillage
Piñon Ecovillage is a small, new intentional community working towards environmental and social sustainability.

The Greater World Earthship Community
This community is 95% independent of the cost and global effects municipal utilities. They produce their own energy, harvest their own water, contain and treat their own sewage, manufacture their own bio-diesel fuel, grow much of their own food. Their buildings heat and cool themselves and are made utilizing discarded materials of modern society.

New York

Intentional community dedicated to exploring and modeling innovative approaches to ecological and social sustainability. We're creating a unique habitat which includes co housing, organic agriculture, cottage industries, an education center, and natural areas, preserving and restoring over 80% of the land as green space.

North Carolina

Mountain Mission Farms
We have begun a process that encompasses sustainable agriculture, permaculture, land use planning, green building, community planning and alternative energy resources. We invite you to live with us, learn with us, and explore new ways of living in harmony with the Earth and each other. We invite you to become a part of Mountain Mission Farms.


Cincinnati Ecovillage
Cincinnati Ecovillage is a group of people who have come together because we have a strong desire to create a residential community based on the social principles of co housing and the environmental principles of sustainable living that characterize an ecovillage.

Cleveland Ecovillage
EcoCity Cleveland is a nonprofit environmental planning organization that promotes the design of cities in balance with nature in Northeast Ohio.

Enright Ridge Urban Eco-Village
A community of people fostering a sustainable urban neighborhood that promotes social, economic, and fun-filled lives contributing to preserving the planet.


Sustainable Lake County Oregon
We are looking for people and businesses to relocate. We are building a renewable energy based community in Oregon.


Camphill Village Kimberton
Camphill Village Kimberton Hills is a vibrant farming and handcrafting community that includes adults with developmental disabilities living and working side by side, to create a dynamic and caring community for people of all ages and varied abilities.


The Farm
"A whole systems immersion experience of ecovillage living, together with classes of instruction, access to information, tools and resources, and on-site and off-site consulting and outreach experiences."


Cobb Hill CoHousing
Cobb Hill is an intentional community of people who want to explore the challenge of living in ways that are materially sufficient, socially and ecologically responsible, and satisfying to the soul. As a rural community, we try to practice sustainable land management—organic farming, ecological forestry, minimization of waste.


Twin Oaks Community
Twin Oaks is an intentional community of around 85 adults and 15 children living on 465 acres of farm and forest land in rural Virginia, USA. Since the community's beginning in 1967, our way of life has reflected our values of cooperation, sharing, nonviolence, equality, and ecology.

A 41 acre, 20-lot conservation subdivision only 5 miles to downtown Lexington, Virginia and 6 miles to downtown Buean Vista. Its design is based on the principles of permaculture and EcoVillage design.

Blue Berry Hill
A co-housing community with geothermal heating and cooling and local organic farming resources.

Abundant Dawn Community
Abundant Dawn intends to be a large community (possibly 40-60) made up of four or five smaller subgroups, which we call pods. Pods are small enough for all the members to sit in a room together and make a decision. Decisions regarding such important matters as membership, children, housing, and level of economic cooperation are decided at the pod level, with input from the wider community when appropriate.

Acorn Community
A rural community of people living on the same plot of land and managing business together.

EcoVillage of Loudoun County
A residential community under development in the Northern Virginia countryside, 9 miles north of Leesburg and 5 miles from the Point of Rocks commuter rail station serving points in MD and Washington, D.C. We are sited on 180 organically certified acres of beautiful rolling hills.

The Quarries Ecovillage
The Quarries eco Village. Practicing the Principles of responsible Environmental Design, Building, and sustainable Community Development.

West Virginia

Welcome to one of America’s most unique residential communities, dedicated to quality residential living and the land preservation. Broomgrass features 16 one acre home sites.

Washington, D.C.

Takoma Village Cohousing
An urban community that fosters mutual support and cooperation while respecting privacy. We welcome diversity, encourage ecologically responsible living, and value active participation in the larger world. Located in Takoma, a neighborhood in the northwest area of Washington, DC. A diverse group of 43 households, singles and families, who are committed to community life and environmental responsibility.


Dragon Belly Farm
A Project to develop a Bioregional Intentional Community, a Rural Cohousing Development...

Canada BC

O.U.R. Ecovillage
We are dedicated to researching and modeling sustainable ways of living which are rooted in social, economic, cultural and ecological well being. O.U.R. Eco Village offers a healthy and supportive learning environment for people of all walks of life wishing to share information and inspiration around living in community and living lightly on the land.

Central America   -  Mexico

Huehue Coyotl
Huehuecoyotl Eco-village A.C. is the project of a group of people of various nationalities dedicated to the modeling and research of lifestyles based on ecology, the arts, true democracy and the practice of holistic health methods which address the well being of individuals and communities in a sustainable ecological balance.

The Bosque Village
We are a community striving to live sustainably. We host eco-friendly retreats and visitors interested in eco-tourism. Photos and info on website.

South America   -  Argentina

Proyecto Eco-Villas - Asociación Gaia
"This is why these Eco-Villages will not be either places to run away from society or set up small Edens. They will be places that will function as living laboratories (lavore et ore). Eco-Villages do not intend to be a closed and self sufficient system. Each Eco-Village aspires to be an Eco-Spiritual center for our transformation."

South America   -  Columbia

For three decades, Gaviotans - peasants, scientists, artists, and former street kids - have struggled to build an oasis of imagination and sustainability in the remote, barren savannas of eastern Colombia, an area ravaged by political terror. They have planted millions of trees, thus regenerating an indigenous rainforest. They farm organically and use wind and solar power. Every family enjoys free housing, community meals, and schooling.

Europe - UK

Centre for Alternative Energy (CAT)
"We are an educational charity striving to achieve the best cooperation between the natural, technological and human worlds. We test, live with and display strategies and tools for doing this. CAT has a holistic approach to its work, integrating ideas and practice relating to land use, shelter, energy conservation and use, diet and health, waste management and recycling."

Spiritual community with strong environmental commitment. Lots of workshops, hosts an an annual ecovillage education program.

Wales, Pembrokeshire
Combines the traditional smallholding model with the latest innovations in environmental design, green technology and permaculture.

Europe - Ireland

The Village
A project dedicated to building a rural clustered housing development to the best standards of social, environmental, and economic sustainability. We have identified a site for this innovative development. Members of the company have selected this site through a process of consensus decision making.

Europe - Spain

EcoForest Garden
The project at present is only in an embryonic stage. We have started by purchasing a beautiful one hectare (3 acre) piece of land 8km from Coin in the south of Spain. There are ten resident voluntary project workers living on the site and developing the land into the garden paradise we are aiming for.

La Gomera
Argayall liegt in einer eigenen Bucht, umgeben von Felsen, direkt am Atlantik auf der Kanareninsel La Gomera. Eine alte Finca inmitten einer Obstplantage ist seit 1986 der Lebensraum für unsere rund 20 köpfige Gemeinschaft, die man sich als Kreis aus drei größer werdenden Kreisen vorstellen kann.

Falcon Blanco
Spiritual eco-village with emphasis on meditation.

Europe - Portugal

Tamera, Centre for Humane Ecology
"Tamera is a cooperative of people who work for the future with the intention to build a model for a nonviolent culture. Our goal is to build a research settlement where the most important themes of a new, sustainable culture concept are developed. "

Europe - Denmark

The Co-operative Community is about 15 km northwest of Aarhus in the outskirts of Hjortshøj with detached houses and residential areas on one side and a view of Aarhus Bay on the other.

Europe - Germany

Der Verein hat 70 aktive Mitglieder und etliche Fördermitglieder. Grundlage unseres Zusammenlebens an diesem Ort ist der Wunsch, ein harmonisches Zusammenleben miteinander und mit der umgebenden Natur zu entwickeln.

Europe - Ireland

Irish Eco-Village
Initial members came together in 1999 with a common vision of creating Ireland's first ecological village. Since then membership has grown to almost 40 households which vary from single people to families with both young children and teenagers.

Asia - India

A lot of information in the website of this spiritual community with strong environmental commitment which planted more than 1 million trees to reforest their once-arid land. They also produce eco-friendly products.


Aldinga Arts Ecovillage
The “Terraces @ Culture Walk” is the final stage of the Aldinga Arts EcoVillage, promising a unique lifestyle in this environmental award winning development.

Kookaburra EcoVillage Park
A development of co-ownership of surrounding lands and application of permaculture.

Whyalla is South Australia’s second largest city and is now diversifying into exciting new industries such as aquaculture, sustainable development and renewable energy technologies. Project includes: clean energy, storm water retention, water recycling, ...

Illabunda is a unique residential housing project which brings ecologically sustainable living into urban Sydney.

New Zealand

Construction is well advanced on New Zealand’s first sustainable Eco-Neighborhood project, incorporating the principles of Co housing and Permaculture. Located in Waitakere City Auckland New Zealand, this innovative non-profit development combines beautiful Rammed Earth walls, eco-technologies, healthy non-toxic materials and neighbors who care!

Simple life and sustainable communities

Alternative Technology Association
A non-profit community group that aims to use and promote environmentally friendly technology. We are interested in renewable energy sources such as the sun, wind and water; building with natural materials and conserving energy. The ATA has around two thousand members across Australia, conducts regular meetings, workshops and courses, and produces a range of educational publications.

USA, Ohio
"Take a journey through the past...In Ohio's Amish Country. The Schrock family, cordially invites you to be our guests. Whether you're interested in learning about the Amish ways, touring an Amish home, eating an Amish meal, quilts, woodcrafts, unique & specialty shops or a night in the beautiful hills of Amish country. We've got just what you're looking for. Located in Berlin, Ohio-In the Heart of Amish Country! Take a look at what awaits..."

Eco Villages Networks

Global Eco-village Network
Worldwide network
"Founded in 1994 to: support the development of sustainable human settlements, facilitate the exchange of information amongst the settlements, make information available about eco-village concepts and demonstration sites. 'Gen Resource Database' is an extensive collection (> 500 records) of relevant Books, Magazines, Newsletters, Web links etc."

Urban Ecovillage Network
The purpose of the Urban Ecovillage Network is to engage urban neighborhoods throughout the world in the process of re-inventing how we live in cities, to be more ecologically, economically, and culturally sustainable.

Utopian Eco Village Network
A pilot model demonstration of how to live in a real New World consciousness of sharing on all levels: spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Features: A few growing climates for agriculture, you name it we are growing it organically, two pure water year-round springs with exclusive water rights, irrigated fields, nearby natural forests, improved/natural pasture land, wild/cultivated fruit, private road access and wideband Internet access.

Intentional Communities and Co-Housing

Intentional Communities
Directory of intentional communities in the USA.

The Cohousing Network
Is an organization whose purpose is to promote and encourage the co housing concept, support both individuals and groups in creating communities, provide assistance to completed groups for improving their systems for living together in community, and provide networking opportunities for those involved or interested in co housing.

The Federation of Egalitarian Communities
A network of communal groups spread across North America. We range in size and emphasis from small agricultural homesteads to village-like communities similar to the Israeli kibbutzim.

Northwest Intentional Communities Association
To coordinate the exchange of information and resources between NW intentional Communities and others.

Coalition for Self-Learning
The Coalition for Self-Learning is a collective of autonomous individuals and groups each working independently but in mutual aid to help one another promote ideas and actions for creating learning communities and their relevance to social change.

Communities Directory
The book Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living is the essential reference tool for those interested in finding or creating community. Compiled once every 4 to 5 years by the nonprofit organization the Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC), this is the eagerly awaited successor to earlier editions, which sold over 36,000 copies.

The UK Cohousing Network
This site will help you understand: What exactly cohousing is and how it differs from other forms of intentional community. Developing your own cohousing community is a big challenge: it's been compared to getting married or having a baby! So informed realism is an essential need for prospective cohousers.

Diggers & Dreamers
The main source of information on communal living in Britain - intentional communities, cohousing projects, housing co-operatives, eco-villages and utopian lifestyles.

Canadian Cohousing Network
Promotes the creation of cohousing communities as a model for sustainable development by raising public awareness about cohousing and by bringing people together to form communities.

Consultancy, Support and Education for Eco Villages

Living Routes
Living Routes is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to develop and support college-level, ecovillage-based educational programs that empower participants to help build a sustainable future.

Ecovillage Training Center at The Farm
A whole systems immersion experience of ecovillage living, together with classes of instruction, access to information, tools and resources, and on-site and off-site consulting and outreach experiences.

EcoSystems, Inc.
For EcoVillages development, EcoSystems, Inc. provides master planning, capital formation, properties acquisition, ecological/economic technologies, approvals, project management, construction and marketing services.

Wonderland Hill Development Co.
Wonderland Hill Development Company specializes in the creation of cohousing communities and is the leading developer of cohousing neighborhoods in the United States. Having worked with over 17 communities, Wonderland supports this growing trend by bringing cohousing into the mainstream through a streamlined development model we have created.

The CoHousing Company
An architecture and development consulting firm that creates communities that cluster private homes around extensive common facilities.

Findhorn EcoVillage Training
The training is based at the Findhorn Foundation's demonstration ecovillage is in 8 separate modules, which may be attended as a whole or separately. It is a capacity building programme, designed to make optimum use of the information available from the Foundation's Ecovillage Project, and to provide a practical forum for learning, and for developing action plans.

Institute for Local Self-Reliance
A nonprofit research and educational organization that provides technical assistance and information on environmentally sound economic development strategies. Since 1974, ILSR has worked with citizen groups, governments and private businesses in developing policies that extract the maximum value from local resources.

Catalyst Collective
Worker and housing co-op registration and support.

Ecological Solutions
Australia, Queensland
EcoLogical Solutions consultancy and education. We provide design consultancy and education in the disciplines of sustainable living.

Earth House Center
California, Oakland
Build healthy, just, and sustainable communities through education, training and multi-media communication tools.

Eco Communities  - Free Listings
A social network - share through a blog ideas/questions about precycling. The website consists of a database that stores items for sale, trade, donation and recycling.

Ecovillage Musings
Un unofficial peek into Dancing Rabbit ecovillage.

Festival Internacional de Cine (San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato)


El Festival Internacional de Cine Expresión en Corto es una explosión de voluntades que surgen alrededor de un deseo común muy claro: la creación de una cultura cinematográfica sólida y carente de exclusividad. Se trata de que exista un espacio en el cual quienes hacen cine, quienes tienen deseos de hacerlo y quienes suelen disfrutarlo, sostengan una relación sana, estimulante. Un lugar donde eventualmente surjan lazos que no hagan más que fortalecerse gracias al impulso de un fuerte sentimiento de pertenencia.

Expresión en Corto es un organismo sin fines de lucro, y como tal ha asumido el compromiso de sumarse a la lucha por rescatar la actividad fílmica en México por medio de mecanismos educativos de intercambio internacional. Para llevar a cabo su objetivo impulsa la creación de becas para jóvenes creadores, talleres y conferencias, además de estimular la sensibilización en los niños respecto a su relación con el panorama cinematográfico. Por otro lado, para Expresión en Corto es primordial el desarrollo de guiones cinematográficos y otros proyectos fílmicos y audiovisuales para que, a corto plazo, sobrevenga el apoyo financiero adecuado para que esos trabajos se materialicen. Para finalizar, también celebra a quienes han contribuido destacadamente en la construcción de nuestra cinematografía, porque saber de dónde venimos también es importante.

Fundamentalmente, la convocatoria está dirigida a los jóvenes de todo el país. Son ellos quienes tienen la excepcional oportunidad de convivir en un ambiente donde además de presenciar proyecciones fílmicas, pueden formar parte activa en talleres, conferencias, mesas redondas y reuniones de trabajo con autoridades y personalidades de la industria nacional e internacional.

Se trata pues de un proyecto que suma múltiples esfuerzos, pero más allá de eso es el resultado del entusiasmo de un pequeño grupo de apasionados amantes del cine, dispuestos a trabajar por el desarrollo de las nuevas generaciones y a la caza de una verdadera industria del Cine en México. Una industria renovada, sustentada en nuestros valores y capacitada para ofrecer nuestras expectativas, patrones estéticos y tradiciones al resto del mundo. De entrada podría lucir complicado; trasladar a la pantalla grande los diferentes rostros de nuestra realidad. Sin embargo, con la doceava edición del festival ya en puerta, encontramos que el espíritu de nuestro lema resuena más fuerte que nunca: “… más cine, ¡por favor!”.

para no aburrirlos tanto les dejo el link por si quieren

martes, 12 de enero de 2010


martes, 12 de enero de 2010



« Pilas de todo tipo, voltaje y capacidad, Litio Orgánico (3 Volt), Litio Inorgánico
(3.60 Volt), Alcalinas (1.50 Volt), Oxido de Plata (1.55 Volt), Ni-Cd (1.20 Volt), Ni-Mh (1.20 Volt), Plomo (2 Volt).

« Pilas y Baterías de litio para       fotografía de 3 y 6 Volt.

« Pilas y Baterías de alcalinas
de 1.5, 6.9  y 12 Volt.

« Pilas recargables para
telefonía y comunicaciones, equipos de medicina, militares
y de seguridad y otros.

« Pilas recargables de todas
las medidas y química,
para uso en el hogar,
industria, comercio y hobbies.

« Pilas de litio para Laptop´s,
Electromedicina, Back-ups,
Uso Industrial, en la Oficina,
Empresa, etc.

« Provisión de pilas especiales
y Armado de
packs a medida mediante
pilas de todos los
tipos y tamaños.

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010

Neutroodle - end to end carbon managed search engine

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010


Hey Guys,
I've come across a great initiative and have come to share it with you.


Neutroodle is a new search engine, powered by Google, that is promoting a new idea. That every profit-driven business with an online presence take responsibility for its website's total footprint.
That is; all of the computers viewing the website, the power used to transfer information around the internet and the websites servers themselves.
Neutroodle are already doing it, and while it might not be a solution to climate change it is certainly a great idea. Check it out :)

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009

01 diciembre 1981

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009



01 de diciembre,se e conmemora el día mundial del sida, porque el primer caso de SIDA fue diagnosticado en este día en 1981. Desde entonces, el sida ha matado a más de 25 millones de personas en todo el mundo. La idea de dedicar un día a la lucha contra el sida en el mundo surgió en la Cumbre Mundial de Ministerios de la Salud de 1988.

01 December, and is commemorated World AIDS day, because the first AIDS case was diagnosed on this day in 1981. Since then, AIDS has killed more than 25 million people worldwide. The idea of devoting a day to combat AIDS in the world emerged at the World Summit for Ministries of Health, 1988.

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